From 12 AUGUST 2024, you won’t be able to use this website to change how much you pay into your pension or opt out of the scheme. This is because Whitbread is switching to a new people system called Dayforce.

On 12 August, we will launch a new version of this website. You will be able to browse the new-look website for general information about your Whitbread pension, but you will no longer be able to make changes to your membership through this website.

Instead, from 23 August 2024, you will need to log in to Dayforce to join the scheme, opt out or change how much you pay into your pension.

If you need to opt out between 12 August and 23 August (‘the blackout period’), please email Please include your name and 8-digit employee number in the email, together with this statement:

I would like to opt out of saving for my retirement through the Whitbread Pension Scheme. I understand that if I opt out, I won’t get any pension payments from Whitbread and will cease to be eligible for death in service and ill health benefits. I understand that if I opt out I may have a lower income when I retire, and I confirm that I submitted this opt-out form myself.

OneView is not affected by these changes, so you will still be able to change your investments, your beneficiaries and/or your selected retirement age during the blackout period.

Changes at Mercer

Mercer’s UK pension administration business has become part of Aptia, a provider of pensions administration services, so you will see the Aptia name and logo appear on communications you receive about your Whitbread pension. For a while, you may see both the Mercer and Aptia branding and this is nothing to be concerned about. It is important to note that your pension is unaffected and there is no change to the investments, which remain with Mercer (as that part of the Mercer business has not been sold to Aptia). You can carry on using OneView as normal.

Everyone can have a Whitbread pension

To help everyone at Whitbread get more money when they retire, we’ve a pension scheme that everyone can join. Some people will join automatically without having to do anything. Find out more

Find out if you will join automatically

You won't join automatically

You will join automatically

To find out if you’ll join automatically, please tell us a bit about yourself.